Rosewood (Dysoxylum fraserianum)

Hygrocybe sp.

The view over the coffee plants

The view...

Giant Stinging Tree (Dendrocnide excelsa)

Walking Stick Palm on left (Linospadix monostachyos)

The dam

fire pit

hazard reduction burn Guy Fawkes River National Park_300413_IMG_7317

Tent city

Another beautiful day at Prana Ridge

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS12 Grace 1 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept