The view...

The view over the coffee plants

hazard reduction burn Guy Fawkes River National Park_300413_IMG_7317

Tent city

The dam

Another beautiful day at Prana Ridge

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

fire pit

WRC Australia 2011 - SS12 Grace 1 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept