Waiting for the plane to be ready

Casper Outcrop

Overlooking Casper

pop a cap

Half Day Closing

Casper Mountain Storm

Raining on Casper

Eadsville Overlook

Forest on Casper Mountain

A View of Casper, WY From Casper Mtn

Cirrus Background

One quiet room

Lucky 1/20

3 Crown Sunset

Bridge over Garden Creek

Casper Anvil

Casper Mountain Sunset

Just a normal sunrise

A Long Way Down

Casper Wyoming

Eclipse day 20170821


cool sunsets


casper mountain burns

Westward Ho!

two seasons collide

mystic tree

wind blown

spring in yellowstone

summer2010 sunset

Pano on the Mountain

November Coming

frozen stock pond

Casper Mountain Eadsville Trail

In Casper, Wyoming for the eclipse! What a cool town and festival. Should be quite the show tomorrow! #casper #caspereclipse #wyoming #wyomingeclipsefestival #greatamericaneclipse #eclipse #2017

prairie blues

wyoming sunrise