Waiting for the plane to be ready

One quiet room

1-3 1-1 Tate Museum Pterosaur Expedition

1-9 Tate Museum Pterosaur Expedition

pop a cap

Half Day Closing

Casper Mountain Storm

Raining on Casper

Eadsville Overlook

Forest on Casper Mountain

A View of Casper, WY From Casper Mtn

Total Solar Eclipse 2017: Solar Corona

Cirrus Background

Lucky 1/20

3 Crown Sunset

Casper Outcrop

#mypubliclandsroadtrip 2016: Extreme Public Lands, Poison Spider

#mypubliclandsroadtrip 2016: Extreme Public Lands, Poison Spider

Bridge over Garden Creek

Overlooking Casper

Casper Anvil


Sunset in Casper | Natrona County International Airport

Casper Mountain | Wyoming

The Oregon National Historic Trail in Wyoming - Poster

Casper Mountain | Wyoming

cool sunsets

Pano on the Mountain

November Coming

frozen stock pond

Casper Mountain Eadsville Trail

In Casper, Wyoming for the eclipse! What a cool town and festival. Should be quite the show tomorrow! #casper #caspereclipse #wyoming #wyomingeclipsefestival #greatamericaneclipse #eclipse #2017

red buttes ranch wyoming

prairie blues

wyoming sunrise


casper mountain burns

Westward Ho!