Overlooking Casper

...but the fire was so delightful

Waiting for the plane to be ready

Total Solar Eclipse 2017: Solar Corona

1-3 1-1 Tate Museum Pterosaur Expedition

#mypubliclandsroadtrip 2016: Extreme Public Lands, Poison Spider

#mypubliclandsroadtrip 2016: Extreme Public Lands, Poison Spider

One quiet room

Half Day Closing

pop a cap

3 Crown Sunset

Bridge over Garden Creek

Casper Mountain Sunset

Casper Wyoming

Casper Wyoming Half Marathon 006

Lucky 1/20

Casper Wyoming Half Marathon 007

Casper Wyoming Half Marathon 002

The view from my living room window

Eclipse day 20170821

20090828 111 2nd and Center Sts. Casper, WY

prairie blues

wyoming sunrise

fairy falls ,yellowstone wyoming

The Oregon National Historic Trail in Wyoming - Poster

In Casper, Wyoming for the eclipse! What a cool town and festival. Should be quite the show tomorrow! #casper #caspereclipse #wyoming #wyomingeclipsefestival #greatamericaneclipse #eclipse #2017

maui jungle

North Platte in Infrared

November Coming

frozen stock pond

casper mountain burns

maui from above

Walking into...

Bolder Boulder on Casper Mountain

Lost in Wyoming

maui sunset

Old Faithful

sunrise in wyoming

red buttes ranch wyoming

rocks ,bates creek wyoming