pop a cap

Total Solar Eclipse 2017: Solar Corona

Side view of Josiah Siebring's kindergarten graduation

Just a normal sunrise

#mypubliclandsroadtrip 2016: Extreme Public Lands, Poison Spider

#mypubliclandsroadtrip 2016: Extreme Public Lands, Poison Spider

Partial eclipse viewing

Half Day Closing

3 Crown Sunset

Overlooking Casper


Evening view of the footbridge near the Tate Pumphouse.

Viewing the View

Casper Wyoming

Casper Wyoming Half Marathon 006

Lucky 1/20

Casper Wyoming Half Marathon 007

Casper Wyoming Half Marathon 002

Eclipse day 20170821

The view from my living room window

fishbone grass

fairy falls ,yellowstone wyoming

rocks ,bates creek wyoming

Westward Ho!

Mooove it

frozen stock pond

prairie blues

casper mountain burns

wyoming sunrise

maui from above

Old Faithful

maui sunset

Bolder Boulder on Casper Mountain

sunrise in wyoming


In Casper, Wyoming for the eclipse! What a cool town and festival. Should be quite the show tomorrow! #casper #caspereclipse #wyoming #wyomingeclipsefestival #greatamericaneclipse #eclipse #2017

Huntin close to home

two seasons collide

wind blown