Sunflower in an Open Field

River Days

The Final Countdown

English Park - Bridge View

Smothers park - Water Feature

Bluegrass Sunset

La Vega Clements House

Robin chicks

Densr - Gore

Smothers Park - Water Feature

Sunset - The Pearl Club

That Fountain

Owensboro, KY / Smothers Park (#0387)

From IN - Smothers Park Waterfall

The view from 3rd and Cedar

A picture of windows placement.

It's called a "dolphin," I'm told.

Yellow Creek

Female Tree Swallow

Bridge Over the Ohio

First Car

Sunrise at the Pearl Club

Dead Tree - Lake Side

Aerial - Owensboro Health Regional Hospital

Sunrise in the Summit

87l040: Southern upbound at Glover Cary Bridge

Frozen Lake

Downtown Owensboro

Frozen Lake

Sunrise in Fog

County Farm

Towboat and Cement Barge

Hildegard's Labyrinth

Smothers Park

sunset 2-11-07

Ohio River Sunset

McAtee's at Night

Lightning behind Bridge

Sunset at the Pearl Club (Summit)

Corn Sunset

Snowy Hills

Ohio River Sunset