Day 39-42 003




Rice or wheat.JPG

BNSF 524 | GE B40-8W | BNSF Thayer South Subdivision

BNSF 938 | GE C41-8W | BNSF River Subdivision

BNSF 524 | GE B40-8W | BNSF Thayer South Subdivision

BNSF 1055 | GE C44-9W | BNSF River Subdivision

BNSF 9695 | EMD SD70MAC | BNSF 524 | GE B40-8W | BNSF Thayer South Subdivison

Pa Hansen at Johnny Cash's boyhood home

Be a live wire then you won't get stepped on. #johnnycash

Southern Tenant Farmers Union

Made by JR

Fred Stuckey, of Stuckey Farms Partnership, reviews his conservation plan with Chris Culver, the local NRCS district conservationist

Simplex projector

Simplex projector

Remains of Strand Theatre

New Deal town

Living room of Johnny Cash's boyhood home

Radio at Johnny Cash's boyhood home

Simplex projector at Dyess Theatre

Dyess Theatre