

Pa Hansen at Johnny Cash's boyhood home

Fred Stuckey, of Stuckey Farms Partnership, reviews his conservation plan with Chris Culver, the local NRCS district conservationist

Remains of Strand Theatre

New Deal town

Living room of Johnny Cash's boyhood home

Radio at Johnny Cash's boyhood home

Simplex projector at Dyess Theatre

Dyess Theatre

Day 39-42 004

Finally! After 2 LONG years! #vanilla #Shakeology so excited to try this when I get home from the road! Ordered mine last week! Anyone else interested you can try it risk free! It has a 30 day money back guarantee! Even if the bag is empty! Don't like van

BN #9502

Be a live wire then you won't get stepped on. #johnnycash

Southern Tenant Farmers Union

Made by JR

Simplex projector

Simplex projector

A couple more pics from this weekend's #HPAA #ramble

Ruth Hawkins leading the tour at the Dyess Colony Adminstration Bldg... #HPAA #ramble

Before and during lightening in Arkansas. We may be in the eye of the storm...

Don't Forget to Call Your Momma. I Wish I Could Call Mine!
