franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

Little White House, Warm Springs, Georgia

Under a Sea of Clouds

Railroad crossing

upson county georgia

Mountain view from the Cove

Manchester GA 011

Little White House

View from Pat's Driveway (#135 of 365)

Backdoor (Painted)

Little White House

Manchester, GA

Memorial Hill

360 Degree View from the Platform

Dowdell's Knob

Dowdell's Knob

Dowdell's Knob

A Little Drop

River of Mercury

Gold on Still Branch

Way After Sunset

CSX 5120 pulls into Manchester

Conrail 5964 doin' some switchin'

"Hey, you just ran that thing through my tulips!"

The Cove

Mill pond