franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

upson county georgia

View from Pat's Driveway (#135 of 365)

Railroad crossing

Mountain view from the Cove

Pine Mountain view

Pine Mountain

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

A canopy of trees heading toward Dowdell's Knob

Little White House, Warm Springs, Georgia

Mountain view

Pine Mountain view

Backdoor (Painted)

FDR's view

Golden hour view from Pine Mountain

Golden glow of fall colors

Mountain view and a Camaro too

Manchester GA 011

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia



"Hey, you just ran that thing through my tulips!"

The Cove

Flint River at Sprewell Bluff

The "Natural Dam" on the Flint River

CSX Q541-25 12/26/14

Sprewell Bluff

North of Manchester

SB11 pano

Sprewell Bluff observation deck on Flint River

Flint River Sprewell Bluff

0268 Little White House Img_9050

Sprewell's Bluff @ Flint River

A Little Drop

Pine Mountain sunrise

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia