franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

Winter's Palette in the South

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

Little White House, Warm Springs, Georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

franklin d roosevelt state park meriwether county georgia

FDR's view

Backdoor (Painted)

Mountain view

A canopy of trees heading toward Dowdell's Knob

View from Dowdell's Knob

Pine Mountain view


View from Dowdell's Knob Harris Co GA

Golden glow of fall colors

View from Pine Mountain

The Plantation House - Greenville, Georgia - #plantationhouse #house #home #homestyle #dwelling #greenvillega #meriwethercountyga #georgia #georgiaonmymind #scene #scenery #landscape #landscapephotography #view #theamericancollective #thesoutherncollectiv

A Little Drop

Conrail 5964 doin' some switchin'

"Hey, you just ran that thing through my tulips!"

CSX Q541-25 12/26/14

CSX 5120 pulls into Manchester

The Cove

Looking Northeast from Manchester

Looking Northeast from Manchester

Katie throwed a rock

Changing Crews

North of Manchester