Portrait of two young boys by Alfred Bock (1879-1882)

Old VR Signal Box at Sale, Vic, Aust, 2015

Sale City, preserved Signal Box & Reeve Street Level Crossing Gates, Vic, Aust, 2013

Wet Lands

'View from the swing bridge, Sale'

Lead Wheel

Some of the awesome views we get at home

Along the Creek

HDR Lake

A peaceful forest

Sunrise Colours

Freshwater Hole After Sun set HDR

Waiting Gulls

Lake Wellington

Mystic wetlands #3a

Morning Colours

The Shed

Stopping at a farm at Wellington, VIC

Tree by the lake

Cattle grazing on a pasture

Latrobe River from the Swing Bridge

Gas plant sunset

Sinking Boat, Sale Wharf, Sale Vic, Aust, 2015

Lake Guthridge

La Trobe River

All photos

Old crossing of the Avon River