A Soft Bed of Clouds

Last Sunset


Bug's View of the Hall of Flags

View from my kitchen door.

The view from my kitchen door.

Dusk. The view from my kitchen as I await the Raisin Spice Bars to finish baking.

my window on the world

I-95 at Night

Fall Color

if you sleep here, this is your view and you get to listen to the brook, which is lovely #homestead #farm

Friday Sunrise 2

Goff Brook Falls 2

Mackerel Sky at Sunrise

A different view.

Kennebec River

My view, as sit and have my tea on this quiet Sunday.

Sunset Span

When I despair at the slow progress on our future bedroom, I remind myself what it looked like a year ago (and this is just one view, the room was packed). #tbt #throwbackthursday

View from the Blaine House, early March

Downtown 3

Capital Park

one of my most favorite places in the world, the family Point #sheepscotpond #maine

Finally Summer!

On the way home. A bright spot in my day.

Augusta, ME - it's actually a nice day up here.

Angry sky over the Kennebec River

Across the Kennebec

#blueskies are here again!

Sunset Bokeh

Glorious Morning

November Sunset-4095

The night dances with the day. Painting the most beautiful landscape with their steps.

House Wren

The pick up with @karry_smith

Cushnoc Crossing Bridge

Tuesday Sunrise I

DSCN3651 Mackerel Sky Sunrise With Gull

Mammatus clouds. #weatherreport #maine

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Marsh Falls 2

A welcome sight.