Our plot on Hawaii 2, it even has a water view! We forgot our little flag so we had to use beer instead to mark our claim ;)

Last Sunset


View from my kitchen door.

The view from our backdoor; our clothesline is toast. #207gram #maine #midcoastmaine #snowvember

Dragon Palm

Another view of our downstairs bathroom. For new followers, Alex @bradstreetfarmer and I designed and built the vanity out of barn board salvaged from our farm.

China Lake Panorama1

A different view.

The view from my kitchen door.

Dusk. The view from my kitchen as I await the Raisin Spice Bars to finish baking.

My view, as sit and have my tea on this quiet Sunday.

View from Loons Nest

When I despair at the slow progress on our future bedroom, I remind myself what it looked like a year ago (and this is just one view, the room was packed). #tbt #throwbackthursday

View From Above

view from the stoop

China Lake

early am kayak

if you sleep here, this is your view and you get to listen to the brook, which is lovely #homestead #farm

Another shot of the view!!!

Beer is not bad, but that view is FREAKING amazing!

Beaver dams

Everyone is sick. We hope it's not a problem with our well, again. Poor Alex is still in bed. I just thought I'd do some wood stacking and landscaping. Because I'm not good at rest.

Intimate Landscape

Arriving at the island "Hawaii2" after crossing Lake St. George. We "own" a square foot piece of the island from the Cards Against Humanity 10 Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa a few years back.

Lake St. George

Thurston Park; China, Maine

Loon's Nest Sunset

Painting the farmhouse is in our near future - still thinking about paint colors, and landscaping next spring, of course. #homestead #farm

Doing what gardeners and farmers do - battle weeds. #farm #homestead #organic

Winter's finally here! Can't believe it's going to rain heavy before it snows again.

Intimate Landscape 2

Hayride. #wildmillerfarm #organicfarm #waldocounty

Reminds us of 'The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon' by Stephen King. Up near Mud Pond. #homestead

We have a family of fifteen bluejays and a cardinal pair, and six mourning dove pairs visiting our feeders, today.

I think the melting has begun.

Certain unnamed people are in the water and from the sound of it, are swimming the grumps out.

Bird man.

on Sheepscot Pond #maine #winter

New Barn Site