View West

View West

Beer is not bad, but that view is FREAKING amazing!

Another shot of the view!!!

Checking out the awesome views from the top of Bald Mt.

Pyractomena sp.

Checking out the awesome views from the top of Bald Mt.

Fernald's Neck

3533 Acleris celiana


View West

Psychoglypha sp.

early am kayak

Dragon Palm

6256 Archiearis infans (The Infant)

Andrena sp.

Eupithecia sp.

Snowy Hermit

Megunticook and its ridges

View from the house

View from my kitchen door.

Norton Pond

Hiking up Bald Mt.


Washington Pond Brook

Fall on Megunticook Lake

Alford Lake

Camden, ME

Hiking up Bald Mt.

Shrike habitat

Fall on Megunticook Lake

Beautiful Seven Tree Pond. With Maine's abundant, large, ponds, rivers, and lakes, it's always struck me as funny, what gets named a "pond". I know that, were such a pond in Ohio, for instance, it would be called "Grand Lake Seven Tree State Park". #maine

Hiking up Bald Mt.

one of my most favorite places in the world, the family Point #sheepscotpond #maine

Lake St. George

Winter's finally here! Can't believe it's going to rain heavy before it snows again.

A welcome sight.

Cellardoor Winery

wild turkey parade #maine #mabon #wildlife

Waterfall Long Exposure

1 hour in Maine and already experiencing sensory overload