the observer

infinite options...

colours of autumn

free fall

on the brink

journey into a new world

View from Löwenstein

View from Löwenstein

Silent Night - Holy Night

flooded way

always seize the moment [HDR]

Kernerhouse in Weinsberg - Museum

Andromeda Galaxy

white water

look up

white water II

alder catkins

birch catkins

Playing with a "New Toy" Rodenstock APO-Rodagon N 50mm f/2.8

full throttle

a bug's view

happy spring

Working at the wineyard

here I can dream my life away

Herbst in den Löwensteiner Bergen

Murrhardt forest - Lightpainting - I

Löwensteiner Berge

...heute mal kein Pferde-Bild...! Was 'ne Aussicht...

Vorderer Wasserfall im Hörschbachtal

Gatter #HFF

Grashalm #HFF

Catalpa, August 2nd


Idylle am See - Idillio lacustre [Explored 2014-05-30]

You need not go to Italy

Wunderschönes Autal

Hinterer Wasserfall im Hörschbachtal

sleeping in the grass

Weinberge bei Heilbronn-7


green fields and golden light [HDR]