the observer
a walk in the park
Red Life
infinite options...
colours of autumn
free fall
Isn't life the greatest thing of them all?? [HDR]
on the brink
it's a hellfire up there [HDR]
Easter Fountain
burning trees
journey into a new world
"The Innocence of Spring" or "Series" or [2/x]
steel art
DIN EN 13698-1
View from Löwenstein
Trauerweide am Eichbottsee
Hessigheim Rock Gardens
happy spring
Heuchelberger Warte
Trollinger, Schwarzriesling, Riesling, Spätburgunder und Lemberger
Working at the wineyard
Stiftsberg Heilbronn
Summer memories [HDR]
Pilz vom AKW Neckarwestheim :)
two huts
Boater on the Misty Neckar
"Happy SummerSunday" or "Invitation to be happy ..." or "Can you smell the fragrance of the grass?"
here I can dream my life away
Das hatten wir schon
poppies in the field
Lauffen - Castle
Herbst in den Löwensteiner Bergen