the observer
a walk in the park
infinite options...
colours of autumn
free fall
Isn't life the greatest thing of them all?? [HDR]
on the brink
journey into a new world
Red Life
it's a hellfire up there [HDR]
Easter Fountain
burning trees
"The Innocence of Spring" or "Series" or [2/x]
steel art
DIN EN 13698-1
View from Löwenstein
happy spring
Heuchelberger Warte
Trollinger, Schwarzriesling, Riesling, Spätburgunder und Lemberger
Burgstall summer pano - I
Boater on the Misty Neckar
"Happy SummerSunday" or "Invitation to be happy ..." or "Can you smell the fragrance of the grass?"
Herbst in den Löwensteiner Bergen
Löwensteiner Berge
...heute mal kein Pferde-Bild...! Was 'ne Aussicht...
Neckar bei Heilbronn
you're not a Newfoundland
Grashalm #HFF
Catalpa, August 2nd
~When she held out her arms, the world itself wrapped around me & held me tight. ~ [HDR]
Trappensee castle
when will we be harvested
“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'”
Hessigheim Rock Gardens