Grand View Point Service Station, Bedford Co. Pennsylvania

Route 30 Thistles -- THROWBACK THURSDAY 7.12.18

Midway, PA turnpike, 1953

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - Casket

Grand View Point Service Station, Bedford Co. PA

View Down the Aisle

Jim at Lookout Point

Alternate View, Bedford, PA, June 18, 2019

The Colvin Covered Bridge of Western Pennsylvania

Mount Ararat Panorama

The View from Lookout Point on Mt. Ararat in the Allegheny Mountains

Mt. Ararat

Grandview Ship Hotel Mural

Grand View, Bedford County, PA

Bedford Views

PDL Retreat 2010 Group Photo

Midway House, PA Turnpike

the garden from above, mid-june

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - White Hearse

the garden from above, mid-june

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - Baby

Take Me to the Place I Love

The Use of Color in Contemporary Landscape Photography

Colvin Covered Bridge crossing Shawnee Creek in Bedford County, PA

Old Glory/Old Time Religion

tomato bondage

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - Casket Flower Delivery

Ryot Covered Bridge

Central City, PA - The town where I was born

Trail Traffic Cop

Cuppett Covered Bridge, spanning Dunnings Creek, Bedford County PA

Turner's Bridge, Bedford County, Pennsylvania

#95H Mike Altobelli, Sr

Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands as seen from the Historical Lincoln Highway Rt30 W

Storm clouds move in, reflected in the lake at Shawnee State Park, Pennsylvania.

Looked up from the phone and what do I see? A bEautiful mountain in front of me! #roadtrip

Lookout Point, Allegheny Mountains, Pennsylvania