View from the Chiricahuas

Looking south into the Peloncillo Mountains

Cactus Wren

Bewick's Wren

Bewick's Wren

Slate-throated Redstart

Raining Geminid Meteors

Geminid Radiant Rising

Blue-Throated hummingbird

Slate-Throated Redstart

Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus)

Milky Way From SE Arizona

Chiricahua Mountains, AZ

magnificent hummingbird male at Cave Creek Canyon AZ 854A9999

Pullman Car

Cave Creek Ranch, Woodland Cottage

My Best Side

View in to the living room

Birding in the Chiricahua Mountains after the Horseshoe Two Fire

Horseshoe Saddle Panorama

the view

chiricahua mountains near Portal AZ 854A0629

Mountain Folds

The Road to Paradise

Mountain Sunset

Aspen, Chiricahua Mountains, 1973

The South fork of Cave Creek Riparian Area.

old man of the mountain

Aspen grove, Chiricahua Mountains

Chiricahua Mountains near Portal AZ 854A0829

Palmer's agave near Portal AZ 854A1042

Sky Dust - Interplanetary and Interstellar

aural delight

Rustler Park, Chiricahua Mountains AZ 854A9986

1.26167 Merle d'Amérique / Turdus migratorius propinquus / American Robin

Running from the rain on Foothills Road

Portal Az

Cave Creek Valley

Entering the Chiricahua Mountains