Raining Geminid Meteors

Geminid Radiant Rising

Pullman Car

Horseshoe Saddle Panorama

Looking south into the Peloncillo Mountains

AZ-80 (3154)

Sky Dust - Interplanetary and Interstellar

The Road to Paradise

Rain, Arizona Style

Chiricahua Mountains near Portal AZ 854A0829

Further on Down the Road, Willa...

Portal Peak

Peloncillo Mountains Outcrop with Hikers

Peloncillo Mountains

Was It Something I Said?

Bedrock Mortar in Horseshoe Canyon

old man of the mountain

Crossing Number Two

San Simon Valley, AZ

One Way Road

Another Nice Shady Rest Spot

0340 Arizona, SR533, Chiricahua Mountains Near Portal

Beyond The Gate into the Canyon

A World In Reflection

0342 Arizona, SR533, Chiricahua Mountains Near Portal