My Sky

Good Morning

Good Morning

Sexy Spidey

Good morning

5 p.m.

Viewing Platform

Good morning

This old barn . . .

Six . . .

Alden . . .

Winter mirage . . .

The Green River in northern Michigan was pretty because of its clear water and sandy bottom and plantlife environs.

Yellow Lady Slipper at Skegemog Bog

Crystal Springs Rd Panorama

Dining Room View Shanty Creek Lodge

The Grayest of Days. . .

Quite the view!

Every branch is covered . . .

While lying in the dandelions . . .

Light and Dark . . .

Moon Reflections (Explored)

Below the dam . . . (Explore! 2/16/15)

Ripples . . .

Trout live here . . .

90% of the Iceberg is under water . . .

Torch Lake Rainbow Fall 2012

SUMMER AFTERNOONS SPENT LOOKING AT: the Cedar River in Antrim County, Michigan, and its bends and orangish-green areas.

Torch River Lagoon HR

"Empty lake, empty beach . . .

Northern whitecedar in good largeness.

Mini waterfall . . .

Marsh Marigold . . .

Not. Frozen. Yet!

Hanging on . . .

The Rapid River . . .

Beautiful morning reflections . . .

Hmmmmm . . .

The Niagara of Kalkaska . . .