Light and Dark . . .

Below the dam . . . (Explore! 2/16/15)

This old barn . . .

Library Bench . . . (Explored July 15, 2012)

The ISS pays Michigan a visit . . .

Winter mirage . . .

Small Perseid meteor and The Milky Way . . .

230kV Keystone-Clearwater Line

One of my favorite fall roads . . .

Here's the way to cap 36 holes: A growler of Cold Chisel and this view. @shantycreek @workshopbrewing #puremichigan #staythirsty

River across Elk Rapids, MI

Yellow Lady Slipper at Skegemog Bog

The view from Jackie and Steve's deck

View From Riverwalk Grill

Elk Rapids

Michigan, Elk Rapids, Elk Rapids Cinema (8,025-2)

Michigan, Elk Rapids, Elk Rapids Cinema (8,025)

Morning View. . .

Elk Rapids

Michigan, Grand Traverse County, Yuba School (741-2)

First taste of snow. . .

The Rapid River . . .

Hmmmmm . . .

Ripples . . .

Time for a last nine. #shantycreek #puremichigan #golf

The Niagara of Kalkaska . . .

Torch Lake Rainbow Fall 2012

Cedar River Golf Club at Shanty Creek

The frozen field . . .

Old Post Office and General Store . . .

Picture 234-2

Torch Lake

_DSC6792 Torch Lake Boat Launch

Trout live here . . .

Picture 266loons

Torch Lake

Cedar River Golf Club at Shanty Creek

A Legendary day. @shantycreek #puremichigan #golf

Dying ferns and golden droplets . . .

Sunset on the Knoll, Torch Lake

Cedar River Golf Club at Shanty Creek