flight at sunset

Santa Barbara Sunrise

Watchful Eye

Yes, I am drop dead Gorgeous!

So Cal cruiser..

t r a c k s

Who you calling bald!!!!!!!!!

Humming of Nectar

Happy Family

Ocean view

Wreckage in the Sun and Fog

"The View" you never get tired of

Shoreline Park

Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Hey Red, did you have a good Mothers day?

Paseo Nuevo View from Cañon Perdido Garage

Enter The Dragon

Another Angle On the Rainbow Gate

Jag...another view

low tide...

I love Flickr................

motion in the ocean

West Coast Sunset

marina 5...

Stearns Wharf

Surfing ~ Rincon Point Surfers Beach, Ventura, California

view to a "dreamy" sunrise...

ball of fire

Gnarled Oaks

Tar Pits Beach

Hendry's with Fog, Night

Hoover Dam

Arroyo Burro Beach

California's Mussel Shoals Beach.

P1010209 2

carpinteria state beach

tracks b&w....