flight at sunset

Doing a 180

Taking a step back to enjoy the view

Santa Barbara Sunrise

Yes, I am drop dead Gorgeous!

Ocean view

Who you calling bald!!!!!!!!!

Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)

Waterfall Room

Above Butterfly Beach

Cruise ship off Santa Barbara

After Sato

Jag...another view

low tide...

EaT LoTsa LobsTer...

the new bike path...another view

Enter The Dragon

Veneco pier....another view..

Watchful Eye

So Cal cruiser..

Another Angle On the Rainbow Gate

Footprints, Hendry's

t r a c k s

ball of fire

All Photos-2953

tracks b&w....

motion in the ocean

West Coast Sunset


Butterfly Beach, CA

Hoover Dam

Santa's beach


marina 5...

Full Bloom

Channel Island from Santa Barbara, CA

2017-050 Restless Ocean