Santa Barbara Sunrise

Watchful Eye

Jag...another view

Yes, I am drop dead Gorgeous!

low tide...


I love Flickr................

Humming of Nectar

Moonrise Kindgdom

Tejaswi & Priyanka

view to a "dreamy" sunrise...


Wreckage in the Sun and Fog

"The View" you never get tired of

Shoreline Park

Paseo Nuevo View from Cañon Perdido Garage

montecito palm

Waterfall Room

Tea Garden Arch

How Panoramic Must I Go?

Badbot and Yumiko, revision 1

Hoover Dam

agave garden at the mission...

t r a c k s

Surfing ~ Rincon Point Surfers Beach, Ventura, California

One Vs Billions

tracks b&w....

Shoreline Sunset

ball of fire

walk with me

Veneco pier....another view..

motion in the ocean

marina 5...

Full Bloom

Stearns Wharf

California's Mussel Shoals Beach.

P1010209 2

carpinteria state beach