Rainbow Power

Freight Train

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

Queen's Fine Food

Summit at Dusk

Not So Beautiful Boosters

Inside the Red Wall

Blue-throated Hummingbird

View From a Bench

House Fire

A Face Only UP Could Love

One Up One Down

Heading for Barstow

Islands in the Mist

EB Ballast Train at Cajon Station

Eastbound under Smoke & Clouds

Snow caps behind

Nothing but Geeps


SD Trucks In The Shops Over The Pit

Overlooking the Inland Empire

A Little Snow in SoCal

Big Steam through Cajon Pass

Under the Rainbow

(Explored 8/6/2009) Clouds & Smoke

Santa Fe ATSF 3751 (Baldwin 4-8-4 Northern) Cajon Pass, California

2004 Westbound MoW train in Verdemont, from my collection.

Cajon Summit Vista

ATK Tr#3 in Cajon

UP X-9402W

Westbound Parts

Rainbow over Historic Route 66

AT&SF X-5572W @ Cajon

UP 8831

Rim of the World Highway

(Rare) Union Pacific KG1LA w/1983, 1996 & 2002 through Cajon Pass

Sunset at Rim of the World

Track At Cajon