Cozy Pusher

Islands in the Mist

Sleepee in a Teepee

What A Blast!

Coming Off the Short Way

A Face Only UP Could Love

Not So Beautiful Boosters

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

Queen's Fine Food

Solitary bird in flight

EB Ballast Train at Cajon Station

View From Running Springs

Snow caps behind

Amtrak AMD103 #824 at the San Bernadino CA depot on 4/28/94

Two @ Dike

Downstream From PCT Bridge

Upstream From PCT Bridge

UP Westbound @ San Bernardino

1991 01-16 1350.2 ATSF SDFP45-91 E/B Cajon Pass, CA

1991 01-16 1350 ATSF SDFP45-91 E/B Cajon Pass, CA

Keenbrook Cram Shot

Coal train on Cajon

Beauty from Ashes

A Little Snow in SoCal

Lake Gregory Reflections

Union Pacific meets BNSF

Roaming the American West-2

Clouds 5

Heading for Barstow

Rainbow Power

Silverwood Lake

UP 2720

Rainbow over Historic Route 66

Sunset over Lake Arrowhead

Lake Arrowhead Village, CA 7-15-17

Westbound Parts

Top of the World Highway, California

Cajon Summit Vista

Summer evening near the Cajon Pass summit

Cajon Pass, California

Santa Fe Magic