uvas creek

Heading west

Old Oak Tree

I love this barn!

color guard, San Benito Street, Hollister, November 11, 2012

Hungry minds

Gallo del Cielo

Coast Guard, San Benito Street, Hollister, November 11, 2012

Above San Juan Bautista and the San Andreas fault

man views streetscape construction, Monterey Street, Gilroy, June 24, 2006

Uploading before 5:00 hits

Graveyard View

Mission San Juan Bautistia Digital Oil

Mission San Juan Bautista

Mission de San Juan Bautista - Mission #15

Mission San Juan Bautista 2014-09-03 --111_HDR

Bucket Brigade

I See You (Hipstamatic Contest Entry)


12May02DiningPatio3 copy

South Santa Clara County Fire Dist Engine 2- Gilroy,CA

In The Park...

Time Of Rest...


Armageddon ....

Rain, Rain, Go Away...


Moss Landing Sunset

San Benito County

Farm in the desert - Hollister California

Strawberry fields

Corner of CA Hwy 25 and San Felipe Road "Cottage Corners" Hollister California

green grass of Gilroy

Diablo Range from San Benito County

Sentrees in the Mist

Green Hills Near Gilroy


Big Sur bound...

Central CA

Looking back toward the coastal range