Visoke Volcano Viewed from Kidaho

View on Volcanoes (2019 AFR D16-0003)

Sabinyo Third Peak

Eerste blik op de Virunga's

View from Peak One

Seen from the car on the way to the Ougandan border

view of Sabyinyo 3

Sabinyo Flanks

Positive Living Mural: Musanze

View out of our lodge 6

Positive Living Mural: Musanze

Positive Living Mural: Musanze

Democratic Republic of Congo, view from Sabyinyo

no view what so ever

Positive Living Mural: Musanze

360 views of 3 countries

Seen from the car on the way to the Ougandan border

Mount Sanyinyo

View of volcanoes Sabinyo & Gahinga from our Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge boma, Rwanda, 1/13/09

The view back to Uganda

Seen from the car on the way to the Ougandan border

Morning Musanze

Lost in Thought.

Silverback Mountain Gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei)

Golden Monkey

Mount Sabyinyo HIke

The climb to Peak Two

Aardappelteelt op een dun laagje vulkanische aarde

Early Morning Landscapes - Rwanda

Mount Sabyinyo (Old Man's Teeth)

Faszination Berggorillas

En busca del mono dorado. El volcán Sabinyo, triple frontera Ruanda-Uganda-Congo. PN Mgahinga. Uganda

Aardappelteelt op een dun laagje vulkanische aarde

Red-tufted Malachite Sunbird

Panorama van kratermeer op Mount Bisoke

The road to Mt. Muhabura, now an extinct volcano. Seen on today's Rwandan real life drive. A little bit of red road, plenty of green, kids waving hello (and yelling "mzungu!"), everyone carrying all manner of stuff on their heads...and a whole lot of colo

Volcano Muhabura

Mountain Gorillas Nest Hotel, club house...

Sabyinyo Volcano

Parc National des Volcans