Pleasant Lake, IN, 2002

View from the High Point

Postcard: Lobby, Potawatomi Lodge, Pokagon State Park, Indiana

Croxton Block

Misc Pictures from 8-13-15 007

2011-05-06 07.58.34

How great is this view?

2011-05-06 08.08.26 Welcome to Ohio

The weather today allowed for a stunning view from the top of the tower at Potawatomi State Park

Early Spring Hike (2)

Early Spring Hike (1)

Sunset over Lake James

A furry friend


Bygone Barn

Lake Lonidaw

Taking it all in

Pokagon SP, Indiana

Pokagon SP, Indiana

Fun Spot 025

Pokagon SP, Indiana

Down the Trail HDR

Pokagon SP, Indiana

Lake House (Late August)

Afterburner and Ferris Wheel

Sunglasses Recommended, Pokagon SP, Indiana

Pokagon SP, Indiana

Second Section

Pokagon SP, Indiana

This is where the INE splits off the E-W former Wabash Line and makes it's way up into MI, on the former NYC's Fort Wayne & Jackson Line in the foreground is the former marl pits