Conrail #6418 Waterloo, Indiana

Hoosier Alamo

Pleasant Lake, IN, 2002

View from the fire pit

My Virginia trip is completed

Waterloo Indiana: NYC Station

Croxton Block


Misc Pictures from 8-13-15 007

The weather today allowed for a stunning view from the top of the tower at Potawatomi State Park

Discarded Baldwin at Waterloo, Indiana

This is where the INE splits off the E-W former Wabash Line and makes it's way up into MI, on the former NYC's Fort Wayne & Jackson Line in the foreground is the former marl pits

Alone Tree

Autumn glow in the forest

2013-10-26 14.09.17

Robb Hidden Canyon ACRES Preserve(4)



Lake House (Late August)

Lake Life

Lake House (Late August)

8. Middle America

Lake House (Late August)

Lake House (Late August)

Lake House (Late August)

Lake House (Late August)



2011-05-13 19.31.25

Lake day. "What should we call this lake?" "Well it's Big and Long..." "Perfect! Big Long Lake!" #biglonglake #lake

Misc Pictures from 8-13-15 020

Misc Pictures from 8-13-15 018