Looking out towards the sounds of flowing water.

Fields, U.S. 13, Bridgeville, Delaware

Ongoing progress of thorny thicket formation.

IMG_0782 Dickcissel

A shrub of a plantbreed that over the years has come to be super-heavily and ultra-widely used in U.S. landscaping projects at gas stations and motels — because people love how it looks!

Pile of Hay

Autumn Sunset


Restored wetlands in Caroline County, Md.

Photowalk 46 of 52 - Browns Branch County Park - POTW

Restored wetlands in Caroline County, Md.

Blairs Pond

Browns Branch Park

Landscape One

Hindwing with Ray

Example of southern west-central Delaware style of architecture.

Tarpaulins partway got blew down by Delmarva fierce windstorm, & now the weird secrets of the little fenced-in area are all out & unenshrouded where people can see.

Abandoned 2

Browns Branch Park

Restored wetlands in Caroline County, Md.

Blairs Pond