Misty Stilly

Vermilion Flycatcher (juvenile) (8851) - Rare 8th state record

Snow Bunting (5167)

Exploring the Trails Around Baker Lake

Vesper Sparrow (3210) (eBird Rarity)

the view

View from a train

Short-eared Owl (4163)

Snow Goose - Snohomish County, WA - April 2007

Skagit Bay

Skagit Bay

Dog's Eye View.

Nothing but the Pilings


Aerial view of the Camano Gateway and Davis Slough bridges

Osprey (3793) (eBird Rarity)




Camano Island State Park

Sunset through the trees

Good Morning, Mountain

Calm Stilly

Shells on the Shore

Quilceda Creek at high tide

Arlington field in the morning

When Sunday Morning Woke Up

There's a storm a brewin'

Stillaguamish Valley Sunrise

Eide Road 2-8-2015-2828

Sunset at Kayak

#camanoisland #beachhouse #juniperbeach #driftwood #samsungnote4

Slow Sunset

Farmland & Mountains

My picturesque impression of the Pacific Northwest. #nofilter #camanoisland #washington #washingtonstate #love #travel #travelporn #instagood #webstagram #

Cold but sunny!!

Amazing natural wood formations / texture

Just some beach grass

Big Sky

Fall Barn

30 seconds of color