Misty Stilly

Cama State Park (8362)

Snow Bunting (5167)

Vermilion Flycatcher (juvenile) (8851) - Rare 8th state record

Exploring the Trails Around Baker Lake

Vesper Sparrow (3210) (eBird Rarity)

Rock Sandpiper (6037) (eBird Rarity)


Maple Grove Beach

Short-eared Owl (4163)

Take Off.

Maple Grove Beach

Snow Goose - Snohomish County, WA - April 2007

Kitchen Window

Stilt Sandpiper (7584) (ebird rarity)

Maple Grove Beach


Day186 Window View

Aerial view of the Camano Gateway and Davis Slough bridges

Maple Grove Beach

Maple Grove Beach

Winter Solstice

Stillaguamish Valley Sunrise

Sunset Perch

Tulips Sunrise

Eide Road 2-8-2015-2828

Morning Field

#camanoisland #beachhouse #juniperbeach #driftwood #samsungnote4

Badlands National Park

Gentle Sunset

Silvana Sunset

Farmland & Mountains

Big Sky Road

Sunset Clouds

Skagit Wildlife Management Area- Wylie Slough

On The Way To Find Jack Nicholson (0359)

Good Morning, Mountain

Sunset at Kayak

Arlington field in the morning

Skagit Delta Potato Farm-001