An Autumn Morning

An Autumn Morning in Tenterfield

Tenterfield Library, 9 May 2017

Wellington Rock 05 Jan.

Petalura gigantea male wings

Nannophya dalei female wings

Thru the Grasstree

Lunch time view.

Bryans Gap

Timbarra Road

Koch's Road

duel in the snow

great [dividing range]

Picnic spot by the creek at Tenterfield, N.S.W.

Barney Downs

a dusting on the mountain

near Black Swamp

Rough-barked Apple

Autumn Colours at Tenterfield

cold cottage

towards Tenterfield

Tenterfield Autumn Leaves 3

Tenterfield Autumn Leaves 5

Basket Swamp Falls

Basket Swamp Falls

The Long Road

The old stump