Mysteries of Maghery

Kilclooney Dolmen - Portal Tomb

Crohy Head Cottage - Donegal - Ireland

Maghery Beach, Donegal

Personal Space

Crohy Head Sea Arch

Crohy Arch Ireland

Winter's Light

Fair Day, Glenties, Co. Donegal

An Irish Safari

Crohy Arch Seascape - Donegal - Ireland

Crohy Head - County Donegal - Ireland

The Rock II

Ancient Ring Fort - Lough Doon - Donegal - Ireland

mom and babes

The harbour, Burtonport, Co Donegal

Same Explorer 90

Forgotten Address

Back to Basics in Donegal - Ireland

Norbay/Norbank Model

Massey Ferguson 135

Kilclooney Dolmen

floody field

dunes at dusk

Eas a' Ranca waterfall

Donegal Bay

Crohy Head Road

Crohy Headland

Waterfall, Co. Donegal - Ireland


Waterfall, Co. Donegal - Ireland


Valley 3988.jpg

Under a leaden sky (25/52)

Sunset 3894.jpg