Cayman Lizard at Zoo Miami, Florida

Demoiselle Crane Close-Up at Zoo Miami


Slow train coming

Reticulated Giraffe with its Tongue Out at the Miami MetroZoo

Portrait of Berani at Zoo Miami, Florida

Male Tiger Berani with his Tongue Out at Zoo Miami, Florida

Cubs Observing the Crowd at Zoo Miami, Florida

Door Viewing

Indian Gaur Close-Up at Zoo Miami, Florida

Faithful Beauty (Composia fidelissima) Caterpillar

Backlit Male Tiger Berani Strolls Toward the Camera at Zoo Miami, Florida

Cub Using Mom as a Pillow at Zoo Miami, Florida

Mandarin Drake Portrait at Zoo Miami, Florida

Krome Penit

In the Eye of the Heron

Reticulated Giraffe Sips a Drink at the Miami MetroZoo, Florida

Chimpanzee Hanging from a Tree Limb at the Zoo Miami, Florida

Spring Chicks

Black-Crowned Night Heron Portrait at Zoo Miami

Gorilla Silverback Annoyed or Puzzled at Zoo Miami, Florida

Mango #263: MESK

IMG_9503 Sunset

Marilene Melo Photography (6)

Still Nature Nr. 6


Alligators at @zoomiami

Malayan tapirs animals at @zoomiami

Magic Sunset



Sunset today

Jerry's here farm fresh


Kendall Lakes *


Enchanted forest... :)

Jerrys here

Jerrys here

Jerrys here

- In the Distance -

Mango #273: KALA ALPHONSE Seedling #10