Coral Castle - Homestead, Florida

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Faithful Beauty (Composia fidelissima) Caterpillar

Spring Chicks

Miami Metro Zoo


Elephant In Pond

Big Kitten

Marabou Stork Family

Big Sister is Watched You!

Unkown Caboose (View A)

In the Eye of the Heron

Portrait of Berani at Zoo Miami, Florida

Door Viewing

Cubs Observing the Crowd at Zoo Miami, Florida

Backlit Male Tiger Berani Strolls Toward the Camera at Zoo Miami, Florida

Lioness Warming-Up at Zoo Miami, Florida

Chimpanzee Hanging from a Tree Limb at the Zoo Miami, Florida

A different kind of view after an 18 mile bike ride #invertedworld #upsidedown #everglades #landscape #florida #igflorida #igersmiami

American Flamingo Preening at Zoo Miami, Florida

Black-Throated Magpie Jay Portrait at Zoo Miami, Florida

Ciel Rouge2

Nouveau Jour

Ciel Rouge

Helios Glory

Deering Sunrise

Sunset today

Biscayne National Park / FL

Beauty and the Beach

I Need a Break

Mango #263: MESK

How Time Flies


Marilene Melo Photography (6)

Still Nature Nr. 6


Malayan tapirs animals at @zoomiami

Magic Sunset

Jerry's here farm fresh

Tree of the lake

20130928-Fall Sunrise at Deering Estates, Miami, Florida-0009.jpg

Sign of Light