In the Eye of the Heron

Portrait of Berani at Zoo Miami, Florida

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Faithful Beauty (Composia fidelissima) Caterpillar

Chimpanzee Hanging from a Tree Limb at the Zoo Miami, Florida

Spring Chicks

Black Crowned Crane Preening at Zoo Miami

Harpy Eagle Facing the Light at Zoo Miami, Florida

Male Howler Monkey Considering a Snack at Zoo Miami, Florida

Gorilla Silverback Interrupted at Zoo Miami, Florida

Clouded Leopard Contemplating a Nap at Zoo Miami, Florida

Banteng (Male) Portrait at Zoo Miami, Florida

Miami Metro Zoo

Screaming Eagle at Zoo Miami, Florida

Female Howler Monkey Portrait at Zoo Miami, Florida

Harpy Eagle in ¾ Profile at Zoo Miami, Florida

Lioness Plays Peek-a-Boo at the Zoo Miami (MetroZoo)

Coral Castle - Homestead, Florida


Slow train coming

Reticulated Giraffe with its Tongue Out at the Miami MetroZoo

Alligators at @zoomiami

Malayan tapirs animals at @zoomiami

Magic Sunset

Sunset today

Mango #273: KALA ALPHONSE Seedling #10

A different kind of view after an 18 mile bike ride #invertedworld #upsidedown #everglades #landscape #florida #igflorida #igersmiami

IMG_9503 Sunset

Marilene Melo Photography (6)


Still Nature Nr. 6



Miami Metrozoo


I may not know jack, but I just really got to know #jackfruit & it was really good! #travelwithdoc #tropicalfruitfest #homestead

Jerry's here farm fresh

Follow the Path of the Beam

Enchanted forest... :)

Mango #263: MESK

Biscayne National Park / FL

Jerrys here