
Faithful Beauty (Composia fidelissima) Caterpillar

Blonde Girl

Lioness Warming-Up at Zoo Miami, Florida

American Flamingoes Face Off at Zoo Miami, Florida

Banteng (Male) Portrait at Zoo Miami, Florida

Chimpanzee Head and Shoulders at the Miami MetroZoo

Banteng Close-Up at Zoo Miami, Florida

Black Rhino Close-Up at Zoo Miami, Florida

Harpy Eagle in ¾ Profile at Zoo Miami, Florida

Slow train coming

Door Viewing

In the Eye of the Heron

Reticulated Giraffe with its Tongue Out at the Miami MetroZoo

Ohhh! the View From Up Here

Krome Penit

Male Tiger Berani with his Tongue Out at Zoo Miami, Florida

Portrait of Berani at Zoo Miami, Florida

Left Alone

American white ibis formation

Cayman Lizard at Zoo Miami, Florida

Malayan tapirs animals at @zoomiami

A New Beginning

Ciel Rouge

Ciel Rouge2

Deering Sunrise

Nouveau Jour

Sign of Light

*Fire Sunset*

What Happened to "Mr. Blue Sky"?

20130928-Fall Sunrise at Deering Estates, Miami, Florida-0009.jpg

Red-winged Blackbird-SW120th-3797

Deering Estate at Cutler

I Need a Break

Straight From The Heart

IMG_9503 Sunset

Magic Sunset

Magical Rays

Sunset today

Sunset Lake