Better Blue Than Yellow Bonnet

A Mixture of Fog and Clouds

Islands in the Mist

UP X-1405W @ Colton

SD Trucks In The Shops Over The Pit

Standing in the Shadows

Santa Fe Main Leaving San Bernardino

Blue-throated Hummingbird

Living Large, Canyon View, Redlands 5-19-13

Sleepee in a Teepee

The White House (of San Bernardino)

San Bernardino Bicentennial Celebration

A Face Only UP Could Love

BNSF 7750 under the lights

prcssd. combat camera. san bernardino, ca. 2011.

Local Departing at Sunset

Santa Ana River Valley

Not So Beautiful Boosters

Aerial shots Colorado/L.A. 1999

South from Marie Louise

Overlooking the Inland Empire

San Timoteo Nature Trail

Morey Mansion of Redlands

Read the link. BNSF Train under the Old Fire smoke

2004 Westbound MoW train in Verdemont, from my collection.

Garnet St. Bridge - Mentone, CA, USA

Garnet St. Bridge - Mentone, CA, USA

Social Gathering, Ford Park, Redlands, CA 8-12

#bigbear #bigbearlake #sanbernardino #sanbernardinonationalforest

#sanbernardinomountains #mountains #runningsprings #hwy18

Rim of the World Highway

Storm over GATX in Colton

Sunset at Rim of the World

Above it all

Rain in SoCal?

3.12.11 - Big Bear

Pine Falls

Good Intentions