Redwood impressions

a room with a view

Sunrise, Cutten, CA 11/14/06


A roof with a view

Green Deluxe I

Black Vintage I

Zane's Ranch Bridge XX

the view...

Zane's Ranch Bridge XVIII

Green Deluxe III

Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus)

Arcata Plaza

Zane's Ranch Bridge XXV

Zane's Ranch Bridge XXI

Around Campus

Red Deluxe IV

Viewing Eureka from Samoa

Berta's Ranch Bridge VII

Lunchtime, sitting in my car. The view in front of me vs. the view behind me. #lookingforward #lookingbackwards

Kayakers will get a VIP view of the #kineticgrandchampionship13 ...as soon as the sculptures launch.

All That You Can't Leave Behind

Sunset on Gearheart Marsh

Paddlebaording into the sunset

Barn Swallows Mother & Fledgling

Put To Rest

Sunset at the Arcata Marsh

North Coast Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 109): Stimulating One's Senses

7-1-08 038

You have new Picture Mail!

Path Along the Beach


Great Egret on Humboldt Bay

Klopp Lake Reflection

Great Egret at Sunset

Sunset & Egrets

9-5-07 083

Phone 7.1 115

Colors Under Clouds In the Wildlife

9-5-07 081

9-5-07 039