Put To Rest

Redwood impressions

Carson Mansion, Eureka CA

The Swing

Sunrise, Cutten, CA 11/14/06

Viewing Eureka from Samoa

a room with a view

Poppy II

A roof with a view


Point the Way

Poppy IV

Green Deluxe I

Berta's Ranch Bridge

Eureka, California

Bridge View

Black Vintage I

Poppy III

Red Deluxe II

Zane's Ranch Bridge XVIII

Burgundy Deluxe III

Barn Swallows Mother & Fledgling

Path Along the Beach

Mad River Beach sunset

North Coast Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 44): Let's Do It Again

Cloudy day in Eureka

Klopp Lake, Arcata, Ca.

Arcata Community Forest

Reflecting On the Times...

Sunset on Gearheart Marsh

Paddlebaording into the sunset

RA Bids Fair Thee well

Redwoods and Ferns

Home Is Where Your Heart & Spirit Infinitely Rest

North Coast Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 109): Stimulating One's Senses

7-1-08 038

Klopp Lake Reflection

Beauty and Calmness

Colors Under Clouds In the Wildlife

North Coast Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 102): Long Lasting Love Affair