last of the day

Yellow Rose

A Pike's Peak Sunrise

So Much Depends Upon

Supermoon - August 2014

Bird's eye view...

push me pull you

Mountain Chickadee

Pike's Peak and the USAF Thunderbirds

Winter walk with a Pike's Peak view

USAF Thunderbirds knife edge turn over the 2014 Air Force Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds fly over the Class of 2014 Air Force Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds perform at the 2014 Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

Valentine Alstroemeria

USAF Thunderbirds perform a Calypso Pass over the Class of 2014 USAF Academy Graduation

USAF Thunderbirds over Colorado Springs

United States Air Force Academy Chapel

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Mountain Cloud Ceiling

An Icy Colorado Mining Museum

Pikes Peak

Perfectly still...

Icy Winter Cottonwoods

red in greenland

Good Morning Mountain Shadows

More Spring Snow in the Mountains

Blodgett Sunrise

Let the Show Begin

A Beautiful Autumn Day

Snow White

CREX 1402 Spruce 20 Oct 18

Brilliant blue and white...

A Colorful Sunrise

Sunset over the front range...

BNSF 9122 Palmer Lake 2 Jun 18

Where's Fall...

Sunlight shimmer...

Mountain lake and Pike's Peak...

Clouds at Sunset

Christmas Snow blankets Pike's Peak and the Waldo Canyon Fire Burn Scar

Calliope Hummingbird