last of the day

Yellow Rose

Marriott Sunrise

Supermoon - August 2014

Pike's Peak and the USAF Thunderbirds

USAF Thunderbirds knife edge turn over the 2014 Air Force Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds fly over the Class of 2014 Air Force Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds perform a Calypso Pass over the Class of 2014 USAF Academy Graduation

USAF Thunderbirds over Colorado Springs

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

United States Air Force Academy Chapel

An Icy Colorado Mining Museum

A bench w a view along the trails...

USAF Thunderbirds at the 2014 Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

UFIX Coal at Palmer Lake

BNSF 5950 USAFA 3 Apr 16

Boxer Puppy

Bird house with a view..,.

BNSF 9068 Palmer Lake 4 Jun 17

Two views of Pike's Peak, morning.

The Guardians

Icy Winter Cottonwoods

A Windblown Sunrise

Good Morning Mountain Shadows

Blodgett Peak Snow

A Beautiful Autumn Day

Snow White

CREX 1402 Spruce 20 Oct 18

Brilliant blue and white...

Colorado Springs, CO

BNSF 6734 Palmer Lake 23 Dec 18

UP 4645 Monument 29 Jul 18

Picturesque pond...

BNSF 1933 Palmer Lake 21 Dec 18

Blue and gold...

Perfectly still...

All that glitters...

Eagle Mountain Midday

red in greenland

Blodgett Sunrise

Sunrise on the Burn Scar
