Turn to the Light

Golden Glow

Signs of Hope

December Sunset (2)

December Sunset (3)

Delicate (2)

First Snow (1)

Face the Sun

Cedar Waxwing (6)

What the Bee Sees

Even More Tiny Bundles of Beauty

My Fishin Lake

Crocus (3)

Springtime on the Palouse (2)

Springtime Palouse

Sunset Silhouette (3)

Illumination (2)

November Sunset (a few minutes later)

Alien Life Form???

Moon in the Branches

Honeysuckle OOB

Where The Sunshines

Jul27,2016 DSC04721 Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Smoke and Sunset, Moscow, Idaho

snowy palouse barn

Quaint Winter Town

Autobiography of Red

l i g h t

Asotin creek trail

Apr20,2017 DSC04909 UI Arboretum, Moscow Idaho

Sunset over the Palouse (7)

Apr20,2017 DSC04907 UI Arboretum, Moscow Idaho

Palouse Barn

Dec30,2015 068 Sundog - very low in the sky

The Palouse

Palouse Homestead

Jul29,2015 113 Bee

May5,2016 064 Mylitta Crescent Butterfly

Feb10,2017 DSC00321 South Fork Palouse River south of Moscow Idaho