Reincarnation - Palouse , Washington State

Jan26,2019 DSC03357 View of Moscow ID and far beyond into Oregon from Moscow Mountain

Moscow Mountain Panorama

Feb21,2017 DSC01121 Paradise Creek out of its banks at Mountain View Park

Feb21,2017 DSC01117 Paradise Creek out of its banks at Mountain View Park

The Palouse River

The View from Here

Flowing Molten Sunlight

Thistle in the Morning

Let The Day Begin

view from barn

Sunrise on the Palouse (2)

Framed View on Moscow Mountain

Views on Moscow Mountain

The North Side of Moscow Mountain

Paintbrush on Moscow Mountain

Here Comes the Sun

Moscow Mountain

Satyr Comma, Idaho

Views on Moscow Mountain

Brown Creeper (Certhia americana); Latah County, ID

Man In His Environment

Paradise Creek, Moscow, Idaho

Palouse Wheat Fields, The Palouse, Idaho

Stormy weather sunsets from Quarry Hill

A post for St. Patrick. If this had a stone wall running through it I could pass it off as Ireland. Sadly I've never been there, so this is from the Palouse a few years ago. #palouse #easternwashington #washingtonstate #discoverwashington #bestofwashin

It's What You See

Storm in the Palouse

Sunset over the Palouse (7)

Jan27,2017 DSC09736 Bringing out the mountains south and west of Moscow ID in NE OR and SE WA

Dark veils of storm

2013-05-29 17.52.16

2013-05-29 17.51.28

2013-05-29 17.52.16

2013-05-29 17.47.51

2013-05-29 17.41.13

Oct11,2017 DSC06652 Spring Valley Reservoir

2013-05-29 17.41.39

2013-05-29 17.42.49

Old Barn on Potter Rd

Grabbed this interesting cloud formation in the Palouse. This was about an hour after driving through the most intense hailstorm I've ever experienced. There were a couple other people with me in the car and we couldn't shout loud enough to hear over t