My Fishin Lake

The Palouse River

Mr Caliope

Buzzing Around

Moscow Mountain Panorama

Remembering Days Gone By (3)

Remembering Days Gone By (2)

The Male Rufous

Back side of the mountain

Jun29,2015 054 Ring-billed Gull adults

The North Side of Moscow Mountain

Freezeout (Grandmother and Grandfather Mountains)

Pullman and the Palouse

Seven Devils from Moscow Mountain

East Moscow Mountain Summit

Moscow Panorama

The Lookout on East Moscow Mountain

Moscow through the trees

Fog over the Clearwater-Snake Canyons

Views on Moscow Mountain

Moscow from Moscow Mountain

l i g h t

Views on Moscow Mountain

Moscow Mountain

Oct2,2017 DSC05748 Spring Valley Reservoir

Nov21,2015 039 Spring Valley Reservoir with Moscow Mountain

Oct30,2017 DSC07942 Early Morning Light at Spring Valley Reservoir

May13,2016 066 Columbian Ground Squirrel

Nov2,2017 DSC08066 Spring Valley Reservoir Idaho

Oct18,2017 DSC07156 Spring Valley Res. reflections

Highway 6

In hiding

Smith Meadows

Nov2,2017 DSC08046 Reflections

Nov9,2016 DSC05711 Spring Valley Reservoir Idaho